Wednesday 1 August 2012

Moon Tiara Action! - Lessons from Sailor Moon

Perhaps it's considered a little old school nowadays, but Sailor Moon was the manga and anime that led to the creation basically every existing magical girl show. Tokyo Mew Mew, Pretty Cure, Mermaid Melody Pitchi Pitchi Pitch Pure the list goes on - and on. Entrancing the world with oh-so-deadly attacks ("Bubble Spray" and "Venus Love Me Chain!" being a few among the many) and the flaring mini skirts of their sailor fuku's that are probably not the most practical for fighting aliens - the Sailor Moon fandom is somewhat verging on an anime cult. However, there are a two valuable lessons we have learnt from this popular series..

1) Guys aren't the only ones who can kick ass.

Aside from the slightly cheesy lines, you have to give the Sailor Senshi credit - after all, they just SAVED PLANET EARTH FROM ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION MULTIPLE TIMES.. On top of this, they have exams, relationship problems, and still manage to run really fast in absurdly heeled boots. Let's face it, while Tuxedo Mask is useful and occasionally saves Usagi (Sailor Moon), when it comes down to the final battle, the girls are always the ones defeating the evil nemesis of all holy (?) evilness. It really makes you think, if Sailor Mercury can have time to run Jadeite over with a plane and still get straight A's what the hell am I doing with my life?

2) Being nice really does pay off.

What would have happened if Sailor Moon hadn't been nice enough to stop those boys from abusing a certain bald patched cat at the start of the series? Nothing, at all - that's what. Without saving Luna from those stupid brutes, she would never have discover Luna was a talking cat, she would never hear about her destiny, carry on with her normal life and Sailor V(enus) would be the lone warrior against Queen Beryl and probably get run over by a plane by Jaedite or something. If being nice got Usagi, a middle school student who got 30% on her tests, to the moon (literally) think about what it could do for you....


On a completely different note, it was Kamui Gakupo's (the Vocaloid, that is) birthday yesterday! Though I'm pretty sure Vocaloids don't age, it doesn't give us any reason not to celebrate this event. For my part, I've decided to make a playlist of my favourite Gakupo songs.

Dr. Realist

Bite Size Summary: Tells the story of a somewhat pessimistic Doctor who is telling others of his philosophy onstage. I love how the song gets faster and faster as the Doctor gets more warped into his theories and then settle down again as he regains his self awareness.

Episode 0

Bite Size Summary: The winning entry of the a contest for composing a song with the Vocaloid "Gakupo". The prize was that Gackt, the famous voice donor, would sing this song. The introduction with the flute is amazing and overall it's truly deserving of it's title.

Dancing Samurai

Bite Size Summary: A cute song that tells the tale of a, well, dancing samurai. This was made by the same person who put together "Episode 0" if I'm correct. Rest assured, this is the version without the loincloth and Kaito wearing a horse head...

Soul Without Destination

Bite Size Summary: I couldn't find the translation of the lyrics in English, but it is a truly great song. The guitar and the drums are perfect together and I like the j-rock edge.